Cara Buat Web Hosting CyberPanel/LiteSpeed di AWS LightSail

cara buat web hosting sendiri

Cara buat web hosting sendiri mudah je! Daftar dulu akaun Amazon disini atau baca Cara Daftar Akaun Amazon Web Services (AWS) jika korang tak tahu nak daftar macam mana. Kos-Kos yang terlibat: ZERO COST untuk bulan pertama atau 5 usd sebulan. (Ikut spefikasi server/instance yang korang pilih). Spefikasi (untuk host website jenis WordPress): OpenLiteSpeed/LiteSpeed … Read more

Moved to Singapore EC2 Co-Location Server!

ec2 singapore

Great news! We have moved all our websites including our client websites to the new Singapore EC2 Co-Location server hosted by Amazon Web Service. We also would like to tell you that we have using OpenLiteSpeed and CyberPanel, the fastest server and web panel in the world, due to high CPU usage on the old … Read more